A Little about me~My journey as an artist started at a young age, always expressed through re-designing rooms at home. We lived in a small double wide, with scarce furniture, but I swear I must have moved it around a million times, each time with a seemingly re-configured space. My mom never seemed to mind as long as I cleaned as I went, so that's just what I did. After a while I transitioned into somewhat of an event coordinator/planner. In grade school it was in putting together Friday night dances, pot lucks & bake sales...in high school it was in designing and coordinating holiday parties, dances and the occasional window display, each one with its own unique twist and theme.
Fast forward to today and I still love planning, designing, coordinating, and hosting parties, but now I’ve fallen in love with a new passion…my beautiful daughter, Juniper. I decided shortly after I had her that the event planner lifestyle was no longer compatible with my new schedule and though I had shifted those hours to mommy-hood, I had not lost my desire to create. The perfect cross between my mini-event planner life and said desire?…The Art of Graphic Design.
The process of growing and becoming a Graphic Designer has challenged me to create beyond my comfort zone and fully trust my process and ability. Learning to be patient with that process can at times be difficult as we are all moving at warp speed and, trends, concepts, etc...are in one second and out the next. My goal has been and will always be to overcome that fast-paced lifestyle and create designs that will challenge the most experienced in the field while simultaneously standing the test of time. I thoroughly enjoy all aspects of Graphic Design and I understand that to get where I am I had to work really hard and dig really deep to discover who it is I am as a designer so I can share that experience with you.